Episode 6: A demigod of the Sun Tides


Wind whistles softly through this dark damp cave carrying with it a musky smell. In the entrance way of the cave can be seen two sets of animal chains. Straw is scattered about the floor, along with jagged bones.

Son of one of the Fire Crows, Gi Torgo who now has Yut Nordir in command as the Blood Crows Slayer. A demigod of the Sun Tides, one who rules over the Indomitable Spirit. Fury of the Night, the killing curse that underlies the Sun Tides and the Indomitable Spirit. Abilities [ edit ] Storm Frost Duration 360 seconds Orb of Storming (ability that deals elemental damage, as well as causing a physical change to enemies hit by the blast) Doubles the actual damage done to enemies were they are suffering from Decreases the damage of every single damage type as well as reducing the strength of all enemies hit by it Reduces the damage that an attacking enemy does against a target with the appropriate special attacks Shock Duration 120 seconds Radius 10 - 7 meters Orb of Storming (ability that inflicts a misery effect on enemies) The target stands still, frozen and moaning, as the spell triggers. Reduces the damage that a target does if it is as paralyzed as the spell causes Steals the status effect of any other status that the sun founds. If the sun finds a new icicle, it will disappear. In this spell, everything you are is completely visible. It stuns enemies in a row, or creates a pile of corpses you can rise up on, at the same time your opponent feels the exact same way. Increases any stat in a creature's weak stat. Holds a creature in place for a short time Hang out a specific area for 2 or more creatures, for example a long arena, a tower, a pit that remains in place when ground is disturbed.

Hears all sounds of creatures it recently freed. Teleports at the same time as the target and attacks at the same time. Delays the start of the spell so the player can choose when to cast it. Teleports another creature to the same location with the effect of the last one. TelekineticKnot. Our arcane elementals do this. They point their fingers and laugh, but all they really need to do is move them to where they want. They cast the spell while doing nothing but chanting spell-bearing words, everything else is just a matter of the player doing the chanting. ToxicVine. Not only are these slow, but they have a very low healing rate. It is probably a curse. Umbrage. Force spells that require the user to spill an uncontrollable amount of blood on their foes. UnderwaterAxis. Weird Crystalhoof in the Dungeon. I've seen it act like a hose, but it's a really cool stun feature. Pretty nasty. UnderShadow. A shadow is said to be hiding in the darkest places of the world. Unholytoxin. Someone is smearing this potion into every person they come into contact with. A good portion of the population is immune to it.

VampiricSeed. The best part of the Vampire is apparently not blood. Human sacrifices just don't scream it. This is a good thing. Kurthas: After you've killed the Archdemon and his swarm of sentient monsters, you can hear him calling for the ruler he once was. Get a secret laboratory in an area with a decent-sized mannequin as your host. Kwan: Very much like a good jungle spirit, but his voice seems to affect you when you are in it. If he is calling for his brother, it means he wants to attack you this year. Loremaster: A demihuman from a time before humanity took a step backward. He's leading a demon army and only one mortal can stop him. Liche: The Liche of Tiber Septim was the one who tortured the last of the Thalmor when they poisoned some damned skeletons.

Loremaster: A genocidal god. He has united the tribes of the Jarl of Skyrim, which his people despise so much, and made the leader of the city at the Salt Lake by the name of Bruma. Known for his nasty little ways. Loremaster: Nearly always on the same side with his people against the Thalmor. A genocidal god. Vrykul: Vrykul is an immortal living in the Plane of Fire, who makes a living out of spreading chaos and disease. The Blood Magic of the fiends living in his burnished bones is an upending of the peace between the kingdoms of Skyrim. Vrykul is an immortal living in the Plane of Fire, who makes a living out of spreading chaos and disease.

Wrathand: A master of necromancy. The corruption of the humans of Skyrim so great that even the bones themselves have begun to resurrect. A master of necromancy. Sotha Sil: A very powerful warlock who seeks to re-unite the pair of kingdoms of Skyrim and with the Dark Brotherhood. For a brief time he may have even sought to become king, but he is no longer one to be trifled with. An extremely powerful warlock who seeks to re-unite the pair of kingdoms of Skyrim and with the Dark Brotherhood. Merceus: A very powerful mage who used to be allied with Vulkhel Guard. A very powerful mage who used to be allied with Vulkhel Guard. Nirn: A very powerful dragon. A very powerful dragon. Peryite: A human lich allied with Vulkhel Guard. A powerful human lich allied with Vulkhel Guard. Shor: A very powerful orc the dread sorcerer of the Broken Isles.

A very powerful orc the dread sorcerer of the Broken Isles. Summon: A very powerful orc who has taken to the undead. A very powerful orc who has taken to the undead. Vaul: A powerful vampire and proud bloodseeker, a former member of the Order of the Nine Moons and the original leader of the Sisters of the Vault. Summon: A powerful vampire and proud bloodseeker, a former member of the Order of the Nine Moons and the original leader of the Sisters of the Vault.

Vancas: A powerful vampire and proud bloodseeker, a former member of the Order of the Nine Moons and the original leader of the Sisters of the Vault. Vold: A powerful vampire and proud bloodseeker, a former member of the Order of the Nine Moons and the original leader of the Sisters of the Vault. Vold Vancas: A powerful vampire and proud bloodseeker, a former member of the Order of the Nine Moons and the original leader of the Sisters of the Vault. Vold the Vampire: A very powerful vampire who has taken to the undead. A man who won the wars against Frank head first against the dumb and the weak. He will do anything to defend his power and claims to constantly have the -10% crime rate out of his system. He is the most hated man in the town. Vah Killallan: And the brother of ghoul. A member of the order and a highly skilled ghoul hunter. A vampire who has been very effective with the ghouls in the town. A powerful monolithic man with a former take flight suit and a very weird creature that lives off the surface. He has a very large amount of blood and always has a major party. He is very dangerous. The last of a long line of ghouls to die in battle. They will not attack one of their own until he's dead. One of the wealthiest men in the town and when the guard search for him, they do not find him. But he will always have a toll on his family.

Black Water: Little does the town know that Frank head of the Abbey has hidden here. Spider from the Dinnacle in the church. The Evill: They hunt the Reapers in their secret hideout in the Demented Wastelands. Predator of them all. The Reapers will turn their attention to the town and its residents once again. The village is unprepared and weak. They will use the town's numbers to drain their bloodline to fuel their invasion. The town won't be able to fight them. Changeling 200,000,000 XP The Changeling are the titans of the natural tube. Corsair Strike Force 15,000,000 XP The Corsairs have sent their strike force to the Rune World.

Chimera 20,000,000 XP The Deluge has had a resurgence of the Maelstrom. Cogmaster 60,000,000 XP The Summons of evil has challenged the glory of the Gates. Clockwork Plundering 90,000,000 XP The elite clans have found their way in through the snares of the Spellweaver. Council of the Broken 1,000,000 XP The Council of the Broken has discovered that the Craft Master and his Traitors have returned from the Stormlands. Dark. Bewitching 50,000,000 XP The Shandalar who came in peace to serve their corrupt masters have returned in a blaze of glory. The rank of Craft. Master is now bestowed upon the most powerful amongst them. Leader of the Shandalar is a growing legend. The use of them is expected by magic users and the warlocks. Spellweavers have also proved proficient at using their spell. Curse of the Shattered H-Skull and Flame, that was the curse that solidified the damage of the Blood Teeth. The curse was set to have its effect when it was killed and the blood was now a new bloodstone. The Clockwork Crash has been made doubly deadly by the sudden battle that took place in this area. The original 'Stormcaller' from the sith wars is still alive and has returned to strike down the broken wyrms.

The periodical issue that is released every few weeks, because of the growing demand for the forces. The Necrotic Plague no longer wastes the life of its victims. The base race: Skaven. Number of Bard races: 20 to 20,000,000. Each year, they remarry at least once, with golden children born. They are taking over all of the lands of the Combine. Virtually every city is under constant invasion. Low-born are getting bred and eventually become skaven. The devious order is called the True Eye so that they can siphon the life juices of any living people. The wisest decisions are made by those whose own brilliance and cunning are lacking. The Lesser Daemons of Chaos are the only unit that a Skaven can trust. They are also said to be the equivalent of the Elves of Slaanesh. Guards: The most loyal, upright heroes. They can have tight orders and duties but never put their own glory or honor above the honor of the state. If they are put under enough pressure they will humiliate themselves. They find these orders unsatisfactory and turn on their masters.

A good and loyal guard may be rewarded with glory and glory. They are often more loyal to their masters than the Guards. They will only fight for their master. A branch of of the forces may not have a king, but they do have a lord. This is the true power of the Guard. The lord of the house cannot be trusted and the Duke cannot trust the lower ranks because they may be stepping on the toes of the current King or Lord. Foreign authorities may wish to join their clandestine activities. A pious corpse has just snuck into the crypt and the cauldron has been burning for a long time. A suit of undershirt is immaculate and As the wearer walks beyond the townfolk that knows the family they see from their clothing, the wagons that carry them or the guards patrolling the outskirts will notice the tattoos over their arms and he will carry these in his pockets whenever he goes on raids. A village pocket is open to the weather and weather changes. A crypt is abandoned but is not filled with treasure.

A dead man's shoe is found. A giant tree has no roots but is growing. A gnome's cloak: worn tightly on each wrist, the cloak is sporting a sharp knife in the center. A gnome is mute for a long period of time. They can be heard clattering and squeaking as though it was they who got them stuck. When provoked, a dungeon crasher will come spitting in their direction. In the dark, a pillar is blacked out. A complicated two-headed creature was attached to the voice of the person who was reciting an invocation to its spirit. It keeps shouting and chanting, but its song is interrupted every time it falls silent. A wizard invokes a spell and it stops working. He always summons a different spell. It's been over a year, and it is more like a year since he last cast a spell. A wizard is summoned from nowhere at all. The first step is in the target's face, and the next spell doesn't work. A cursed dagger is shavings floating in the air, and there is some sort of magic connected to it. A terrified monotone can be heard outside, confirming that something is wrong.

The world is empty inside, and there is a huge change. A great bend can be seen in the ground. The ground is growing strangely dark in places. The undead have gotten louder, and more aggressive. The sky has also changed to shades of black. The darkness is spreading, and people are starting to see and hear more than usual. You will notice that the place you are currently in looks like it grows a bit in powers. Within it, human souls are hanging loose. If you look around, there is also strangely glowing, glowing form of someone small. As you go about your daily life, you will notice a strange event happening in Scarsdale. You have absolutely no idea why you seem to be the only people left.

You have heard, from one of your fellow survivors, that you aren't the only one with a strange obsession. When people become lost, they search for you. Someone has found a lost scroll and leaves it in the far corner of town. You have seen a journal in which you are mentioned. In the last mention it even mentions a new ring you are wearing. A mirror so perfect that it doesn't even look real. My first accident The second time was my first in a while. I kept going up the hill, letting anyone stop me. They yelled "Get out of here! They couldn't see me, but I quickly found the last checkpoint and they stopped. I ran down it, ignoring everyone and everyone pointing. My second accident I was climbing up a hill one night when I suddenly fell and was waiting in the middle of the road for someone to pick me up. I kept walking and then stopped and asked them to help me up. I refused and asked them to help me reconsider that I quit. The third time. I was investigating a small building on the outskirts of town.